петак, 30. октобар 2020.

Peticija za metelkovu


Nase kolege iz Ljubljane se suocavaju je jednim talasom represivnih mera vlade i ministra kulture prema nezavisnoj sceni, od smanjenja budzeta do izbacivanja organizacija iz prostora u Metelkovoj.
Tim povodom pokrenuta je medjunarodna peticija kao vid podrske kolegama koje rade u prostoru Metelkove. Pozivam sve koji zele da pruze podrsku da u ime svoje organizacije potpisu peticiju na ovom linku

A evo i pisma koje smo dobili od kolega iz Slovenije a koje objasnjava njihovu situaciju:

Non-governmental organizations in Slovenia are increasingly targeted by the government's restrictive measures and hostile rhetoric. Leading the government, the radical right Slovenian Democratic Party and PM Janez Janša direct their hostility especially towards NGOs engaged in independent cultural production and defending human rights, media freedom and the environment. Legal and financial restrictions have been applied to them and the epidemic is used to justify such measures. The media, the judiciary and independent state bodies are also under attack.

The government has, for example, been blocking payments to film producers for a whole year, while the Ministry of Culture started changing the rules for the composition of commissions that decide on co-financing projects of non-governmental cultural organizations so that the Minister will have full control over the allocation of funds. Amid such developments, and in the circumstances of a dramatic second wave of the epidemic in the country, 18 non-government organizations, among them ours, were recently requested by the government (Ministry of Culture) to vacate our premises in the building at No. 6 Metelkova Street in Ljubljana, in which we have been operating since the mid-1990s.

We have prepared a Response to the request, quoted below, and would be grateful if your organization would express support by signing a petition requesting that the building at No. 6 Metelkova Street remains in the use of current tenants and that the government should provide free, safe and supportive environment for civil society and independent culture.

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